A Late Martyr
À Jo Ann Wasserman
Before even falcons at the top of the stairs sipping coffee
Or maybe when I or I remember her hips her thighs
Okay, it can’t be forgotten, her water table and her smoking jacket
Dragging out behind her and the keys and someone is playing the piano.
In a flooded room or when I see an angel
The air is doubtful and frequently
Your plane is circling almost out of fuel and a brown crocodile
Is breathing heavily into my soup
The cabbie refuses to post his license. Instead he’s cut out a snowflake
And mounted it behind his ear.
One song rose red out of the radio, abbreviating
Or cutting into the air conditioning. Presently
And I can’t make out what he’s saying. If this man
And if we if he & I were chained together if we locked eyes
And if the traffic & the weather drown out the rest of him sadly
I still bend over to see those young girls’ underthings
Under the periodic table. At once you awoke from your coma and determined
To paint the room again. Wide and well thought-out
An unsigned postcard my hairdresser blots out the sunrise
Or with a glass of ginger ale a young Italian woman frowns and turns her gaze away.
All your luggage arrives on fire
And the plane with no pilot lands on the bog.
Her ghost is strangled in splendor her scarf the whiskers
Of leopards fit into the body of a tree.
Embarrassed by rose water the rooster or the door opens on gold in the bookie’s office
There’s the paperweight as it should be
And stepping out with all the smokers and in his eye there’s no secret to the flames:
It’s a diamond moving across the Dardanelles
One thing or the room is entirely empty
Or is there room for a couch a chair or
All the eyes of the conspirators seek the sides of Everest
And when the phone rings once they all respond with a brass band
Who’s in the rain if not joyously or daring performers of fireball submission
Of simply the fire kiss
Won’t you couldn’t you simply revoke the test scores of the angels
And swim from here on their pleas to the petting zoo?
I suppose if what you’re telling me is that she can’t or she has a slow traipse
There in the cupola the dome and her fingers are broken
That I stared at the backs of her thighs that on Tuesday I was in the pond with the ducks
That she was with them or the queen of the komodo dragon
Her car has very few miles on it. Someone asked me before leaving me
If it was her and if seven if she’d burned at the stake with a vampire
And no she was a senator. She walked in the exit door and might have torn her skirt only
Sir I left to go shopping and for us forgot us
Only on the vine the cat allows and if you have never been able to buy your way into the game
Oh there were for you grey geese my love, asleep or very
Or in the counting rooms they make a cake mix and though I lay my hair down on the runway asleep
Leaving or as you walk down the staircase
The cab driver returns your call and your phone hums and a plane takes off one emergency lands
Or are detectives will they strong-arm you forever
This month this mouth buys into every hand producing another cold tooth
And Lassie rolls over and dies, finally
Before the crotch of the moon raiders before I was among the railroads or before the ducks were themselves devils
Or before and before I broke into the tower in search of alchemy
And before we slept in peace or before we slept in peace and the doorbell rang out It was your
Before the District Attorney’s mysterious love affair with the tomb
Your epicurically nautical half-court game and the Tao of your three-point shot
Crushed the wicked with an auto mechanic’s grip
Otherwise the desert remained was already dry or no angels ever deserted you
And constantly your constant jumpshot mostly rained down the most