Aunt Viv’s Boyfriend Lay Down In Flames
Ils marchent devant moi, ces yeux pleins de lumieres
—“Le Flambeau Vivant”
Walking out of a gutted orphanage these youse strip down to elephant ears
Cunning Angel very balmy day ancient you can do it. The first mountain
I walked out of these divers in more liberal doorways don’t sally May freely
Segregates rivers and streams with rocks In May youse theirs the Minnesota Twins.
I know me savage I lean on car horn for pigeon shit and lean on car horn as an orange ruffy at Fulton Market smacks down on the sidewalk
They their conductors ease misers’s steps into the road to boats
Them sing tea time in a mess hall Serve it yours. Severity. Aint cha see a liar winding through la caberna? Escape
Leaning on the horn for money cash flow error and trained writing obits on your sleeve setting fire to Aunt Viv’s bo.
Aunt Judy charming. You brilloing Shakespeare alarmingly My deodorant
Can’t count the Queens charges her chimneys her brutal aunts cooking each day in the open air. This old lady
Rugged. Mayonnaise tinted their them every step Aunt Nancy freely tasted
Those elephant seizures. Tea time. Death. Mortimer looks over focuses the evil cave demon, aims
Asters don’t do nuthin for the sun nor can any flowers put run away trample out the flames