De Profundis Clamavis
What I’m asking for with such acquiescence is the tongue of the king the only one the one that I love is diamonds apostrophes
Bank men or leg breakers around the fountain again. Laughing gut laughs falling over the observation deck a sure thing A man irons my pants. I kill him.
This is the universe in the morning. Towards your plumb bob the horizon shuffles
Or once I swam in the [one looking over the other one’s shoulder two short girls in thick heels] Laynie’s story hour or and the blastphemy.
A sun no taxis leaving this house no color or flights leaving below the six month mark [thank you for sitting there you have pleasant breasts and now you look good in that jacket although perhaps too business-like]
And the six other month’s martinis Laynie covers the earth
Saying destroy the borders no countries more no new countries but those at the poles
—And no one comes up to bat, not even Russians or hair or mineral water. Not even wood boys!
Or else I’ll step out or her almondine who soup lashes up up and awash!
The cold train wreck of bread and autumn deciding alone if the ceiling or the windowpane
And that immense. Night seemed to go on talking and on until your chow the highway the viaduct
I lock you up in the bug house to sort out the more vile animals
Who might still separate darks from lights a dachshund but some of them are stupid after the beginning of the alphabet
To want to ride on the backs of cattle bank men or leg breakers would at least try to give up the thirsted life!