I Love My Answering Machine
I don’t ever want to wait for soft money to see you passing me in the street or stop to tie your shoelaces,
I’m lonely, my song’s in a breezy vault, and what I prefer is simply an island
Hanging above a quartet of singers. I lent you
The only time I had available for walking secretly behind enemy lines. Your look broke and your look broke an entire fountain
When you and I built a temple together. All the few gasses that color our money
Or push you off the bridge are climbing the trellis presently. There, that’s no way to look
Or the torches are reflected in your glasses
And your eyes have their own addresses.
I might say to myself: What if she’s beautiful? And bizarrely as fresh as cream?
What if I remember an enormous dog and fall under the wheels of a tour bus?
What if my answering machine had lips like hers and she was royalty, and her royal nephews responding to the metric system fell from a peach tree?
Is it all blackness and walls around no shelter or where do we go if a bomb drops?
Are you the fruit of autumn the penny-saver swears by?
Are you the fun-loving, beer-swigging attendant whose cuddly koo-koo-ka-choos bring tears to my eyes?
Isn’t it your perfume that has me dreaming of oil fires over oaisises
While a hand reaches up from the basement touching my naked calf? Or are you just the buttonhole guy?
I know that Stevie Wonder will never record another album as melancholy and triumphant as Fullfillingness’ First Finale
But who will reel backwards and point beyond the schoolrooms to a hidden ruby mine, the locksmith?
With his buttery handwriting, joyless? All his jewelry is homespun.
They’re too quick for us. They’re wider than your mother’s bedroom. Oceans, birds,
Maids won’t fill in the gap between our steps and theirs. I was enjoying a lap dance
At the end of a long day with my uncle & his locksmith. Do you want to know the truth?
All that mattered to me, Betsy, was that wherever you tied your pants on
You drew the curtains and shut the door and that I was in the room. I adore the bows you tie.