L’Amour Et Le Crane
Lamplight gov’nor each assisting the crane
From opening the sidewalk café, granulated
And or sandy on Sunday how many, your brass leaps from the train
When confronted with a doggish smile.
So if lesbians in the wind or on line at the bank buy you a round, pushy
Who climbs the taxi cab window shuts on your hand, the cave
Mouth sings, Shelby come again, mount my leg, billiards leave me with lemons only
But I’m mostly more fond of ether, air
A globe lit up from within by a refrigerator bulb
Takes me to the gas station, a classroom, the ether
Has me cradled in its arm when the car hits the lamppost at sixty I am his only love I am in the grille
Like a soup ladle a song of ore.
I’m listening. The crane bounces checks intentionally gov’nor
But before the jaws of life come out I request my own broken space station
A seizure, the iron operator yelling into the yarn ball
When will he be finished with it, the quota, the moon
Buggy again bumps up to your mouth below sea level. Is she a believer
In the swordfish, the pill? Each one through enemy airspace
My strategy as it stands is to sell parts of my car-crash brain
Each motion sickness eating me out in my chair