Man & The Sea
In books you’re always looking at the sea!
The sea is your mirror, you look like an ass
In the infinite derailments on your street
And your spirit is less patriotic than a golf ball.
You want to jump onto the scene with your image,
But you’re embarrassed by your eyes and your arms, and your heart
Was so distracted several times by rumours
Dropped onto your plate that it made your hair unmanageable, indomitable, savage and brown.
You are always both a violin player and discrete.
Pal o’ mine, the empty set sounds like it’s in love with your engineering.
O sea, the empty set knows what’s in your security deposit box
And the aunt who’s buried her secrets in your backyard.
And because the violin is a very cold instrument
That you battle without pity or remorse,
Like a bank teller you love blood and death.
O round-the-clock looters! O trophyless brothers!